Greenplatz 105 台北市松山区南京东路三段248号11楼-2 02-2559-7708 02-3322-9660 service@fleet-international.com 台湾北部, 台湾中部, 台湾南部, 台湾东部
https://www.fleetonline.com.tw/images/corpimg.png https://www.fleetonline.com.tw/images/corpimg.png
https://www.fleetonline.com.tw/images/corpimg.png https://www.fleetonline.com.tw/images/corpimg.png Greenplatz
https://www.fleetonline.com.tw/ Greenplatz

全台Jasons超市, City'super超市, 微风广场超市....等通路皆有贩售(各店上架品项或有不同), 企业/大量订购客户请来电洽询~~~
首页 特色简介


Our business core is health. We bring the products good and safe from oversea countries for our local people who care about health. We are always looking for the products with high quality, safety, and good for human bodies and offer more choices for our local people to enjoy such high quality products without oversea traveling.

服务内容: 纽澳进口/经销/代理,欧洲进口/经销/代理,加拿大进口/经销

产品配送方式:邮寄, 宅配
交易/付款方式:ATM转帐, 货到付款, 电汇
主要服务地区:台湾北部, 台湾中部, 台湾南部, 台湾东部